Hi Leanda, if I had all the money in the world, rather than fabricate an artificial world at the cost of the natural world I would use it to preserve and restore the natural world. My humanity would give all which have made this planet their home a real chance at future survival on this most wondrously beautiful and now hurting planet . Our planet and the natural world not only offers us utopian but is our utopia. I guess humans influenced by our present trajectory will never understand this. What fools we are! 😔

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I appreciate your comment, Nicola and love that you would 'preserve and restore the natural world'... I'm high five'ing you! Earth is the most amazing and 'wondrous' place where we get to experience full embodiment. It's so unique to other planets where this isn't possible. I also feel Abraham Lincoln's quote is worthy of a mention:

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." ~ Abraham Lincoln

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Wise words 😊 I’m wondering if we changed the word humanity to ‘Eartnamity’ whether it would make a difference to our psychology. 🌼

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What a brilliant idea!!! I love your word, Nicola... Earthnamity it is! 💫

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